Hello!! Here's one of the speaker horns being readied for mounting on the roof of the Lincoln. IS IT LOUD ENOUGH?? Bringing the Blues to Your Town... one night only! Step right up to the Legion Hall!! Bad Boy Blues!!
It's always exciting to look at the map and the list of stops before rolling out onto the highway. I was telling my son that with the high costs of fuel, this may well be the last big road trip made inside two tons of glittering steel and chrome. These big girls will be gone like the buffalo. The touring won't stop, it will remain interesting, but the means will certainly be evolving. I've spent the majority of my life criss crossing North America by road. We bought gas by the gallon, and it was cheap. We bought and sold beer by the bucket, and it was cheap. The liquid economy has changed. We no longer float the music business on an ocean of beer. There's a cover. We take vitamins. We get up early. Dave and I call home.

Speaking of big cars, here's a snap of the first Tour vehicle. Colin Linden and I swapped a Martin 00-18 guitar for this cool set of wheels when I was sixteen. When the brakes finally went back in 1979, I parked it. The "Duck" spent the next 32 years in storage. Just last week I lost the garage space, moved her out, and slapped a "for sale" sign on her. Flathead six, used to give us 26 miles to the gallon. Probably about the same as the new Lincoln! I don't know why I kept it for so many years. I guess I've travelled most of this time, and it's been forgotten except for the occasional mailing of cheques for the garage rent. If I had my own garage and yard I'd keep it and repair it. But now it's got to go. Time's up! 1948 Dodge Special Deluxe. Suicide doors. A bad thing for a boy to bring home!
Finally... The Tour. This Tour. I've not filled many dates since my last Blog here. I've got odd dates open in all parts of the country. House concerts, in the schools, theatres, cafes, blues societies, folk societies, gas stations, casinos... This could be you! No venue too big, too small, too posh or too homely. Read the Tour sidebar and post me if you'd like to bring the Blues to Your Town. I must fill every night! Make me an offer!
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