Monday, November 21, 2011

Moncton Revisited

Today I'm back to Moncton- to Plan B- although this is officially "down time." Tracy and her very cool staff have offered me the use of the band apartment for a couple of days, so I'm moving in with my new sound recording gear. I'm going to try and do some writing upstairs, and in between I'll use the internet in the Club, hang out, catch some music, just relax. I haven't had much secure down time on this Tour. I've been on the road for nearly four months now, and I've got to admit that I'm pretty tired. My voice sounds like a train has run over it...

My quarters are next door and overhead of Amazing Ink, but I resist the opportunity to spend a couple of days in the chair. I actually can't afford quality ink on this tour- cars and guitars, and daily expenses seem to be eating all the money. I've got a couple of mics set up in the back room, so I get to work installing the ProTools software and seeing what I can do...

Apparently not much on my three year old MacBook. I'm encouraged to use fewer processing tools and less tracks and to increase memory allocation... But I've only got two mics up, and no effects at all. Eventually the machine records a couple minutes of music before shutting down. I discover I can't play this back through my computer- rather I must listen to it through headphones out of the M-Audio box. That would be fine if I had headphones.

Downstairs in the bar I play a short, late afternoon set. Later I'll dine at Deluxe Fish and Chips before coming back to hear the three evening shows.

1 comment:

  1. That "No Whining" sign in the window ... gee, where can I find one of those?
